

How to load GLTF model at specified position?

2022年5月14日 — Hi! I am trying to load a GLTF model at my scene's origin, but it seems like I have no control over where the GLTF model is loaded.


three.js - GLTFLoader. Battle Damaged Sci-fi Helmet by theblueturtle_ · Royal Esplanade from HDRI Haven.

Load 3D Models in glTF Format

Once you have created a model in Blender, you can export your work using a 3D format such as glTF, then use the GLTFLoader plugin to bring the model into three.

Loading 3D models

Only a few loaders (e.g. ObjectLoader) are included by default with three.js — others should be added to your app individually. import GLTFLoader } ...

GLTF Model Loader

A loader for loading glTF models into the Threejs scene. glTF is a specification for the efficient transmission and loading of 3D scenes and models. glTF ...


GLTFLoader. A loader for glTF 2.0 resources. glTF (GL Transmission Format) is an open format specification for efficient delivery and loading of 3D content.


GLTFLoader. A loader for glTF 2.0 resources. glTF (GL Transmission Format) is an open format specification for efficient delivery and loading of 3D content.


GLTFLoader. A loader for glTF 2.0 resources. glTF (GL Transmission Format) is an open format specification for efficient delivery and loading of 3D content.


该类文件以JSON(.gltf)格式或二进制(.glb)格式提供, 外部文件存储贴图(.jpg、.png)和额外的二进制数据(.bin)。一个glTF组件可传输一个或多个场景, 包括网格、 ...

Three.js GLTF loader Example

Explore this online Three.js GLTF loader Example sandbox and experiment with it yourself using our interactive online playground. You can use it as a template ...